Monday 11 April 2016

4.Who would be the audience for your media product ?

The general target audience for age is 17+. This means the viewer is a mature teenager. This is because the film will include violence and psychological issues which is disturbing to younger viewers. Our target audience is mature teenagers and young adults. We are targeting this age range as they are old enough to understand the plot line and deal with mature theme or violence.
We are targeting both female and male. The males are typically attracted in the crime, violence and the actresses of the film. Females are also attracted to the male actors; the female audience tend to try to figure out plot of the movie. Females like to watch thrillers which make them question what will happen next and males are stereotypically attracted to the guns and gore.

3.What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why ?

 . Although our film is based on James Bond and other classic thriller spy adventure films our audience will not be as wide and main stream so trying to advertise and show our film in big cinemas and film companies like Pearl&Dean or show them at the Odeon.
Instead we want to show our film in small local cinemas.
 . Brighton is a good place to show our film as their as small independent cinemas which run indie films.
 . The Duke of York Picture House in Brighton is a good place to start.
 . The Duke of York also holds E4 free student screening.
 . This will allow us to get word out about our film as it was being advertised on the E4 channel.
 . Duke of York also hold the Official Cinema of Jameson film club.
 . Another local indie cinema is Dukes at Komedia located in Brighton.
 . Film festival like Philafilms to reach a wider audience would advertise and distribute our film out thither.
 . Playing our films in smaller indie venues and film festivals will allow us to show our film and gain a small, but loyal, audience.

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