Friday 1 April 2016

Question 3

As our film is not well known and we don't have actors that people would recognize there won't be as much draw to our film as there is to more well known thrillers, this makes distribution important. It's a low budget, independent film so our budget will not allow a high amount of money for distribution. As a result of this targeting big companies and cinemas wouldn't be very successful. Instead of this I want to target smaller, local operations.
Our production company (fb productions) would be very small. This is why we put the logo on screen for a long time in our film as we would want people to take notice of it. As we would not make high budget films like Cloud 8 did with 127 Hours so we would not expect to have the same expensive distribution.
We would put our film on YouTube as it is free to put on and if we got a lot views we could earn money from it through advertising. This is very effective because it means that the audience would have many different ways of reaching it. YouTube can be viewed on computers, tablets, phones and can be on TV's through devices like apple TV. The accessibility of this would be very important as it means that we can get as many views as possible. It is also very easy to bring in more viewers as a link to the video could be seen or sent to anyone, anywhere in the world, through the use of social media.We could also sell our film to Netflix. This is not accessible to everyone as audiences have to pay if they want an account. Both YouTube and Netflix can also be viewed on some gaming console such as the X Box One as more and more console makers are changing their consoles into more of a multimedia console than just one for gaming.
We wouldn't use a distributor as our film is very low budget and through using YouTube it would be very easy for us to distribute it ourselves. This means that we could make it accessible to anyone at any time and possible make money from views without spending money on a distributor. There are companies that would work well with films like ours with a lower budget but with how easy it is to get a film to the audience using social media it may not be worth it for a film with as low a budget as ours. Examples of distributors that we could have looked into if it wasn't so easy to do it ourselves are:

  • LoveFilm
  • Icon
  • Focus Features
  • Pathe
  • Momentum
As I am distributing it myself I would also have to do my own prmotion. To start with I would use lots of social media
We can also show our film at cinemas that show student films.

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