Friday 1 April 2016

Question 4

We are targeting 17-25. To do this we had to consider many things when making our film.
The character of Sophie was directed by what we thought the audience would want. We put her in a beautiful dress with pretty makeup as we thought this would make her a male gaze. Females are supposed to be interested by her because although she is evil her beauty and strength make her an aspirational figure. This is furthered by how she is in charge of all of the males and is in complete control of the situation. They may not approve of her actions but her qualities mean they may look up to her anyway.
Fraser's character is also built around the audience because we wanted to make sure that he is relatable to attract the audience. We put him in a costume that could be worn by both young adults and people in their early 20's so that they would both relate to him. He is a victim in the situation so that suspense is built because young adults tend to enjoy a suspenseful plot. His weakness would also make the entire audience question how they would survive in this situation so that piques their interest.
The character of Alex introduces violence to the plot as this attracts males. This is done through him hitting Fraser with the hammer. The way that he picks up the hammer slowly also furthers the suspense.
The reason that we didn't target younger viewers as well is because we found that the content would be upsetting for them as we would rate our film as a 15. This is due to the violence and frequent use of strong language which according to the BBFC define a film as a 15.
We targeted the age well through making our characters the same age as our target audience. This means that they find them more relateable and also makes them more on edge as they wonder how they would fare in the same situation.

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