Tuesday 23 February 2016


Our film is a mystery thriller film. To keep the sense of mystery we decided to use high key lighting on the characters and try to keep as most of the back ground of the shot hidden. This way the viewer cannot tell what is happening behind the characters. This will create and eerie and unsettling feeling.This type of lighting also gives a sense of the main character being exposed and therefore vulnerable, this creates an emotional connection as the audience fear for him.
To create this type of lighting we decided to only use one light source and move it around. This also helps to make the viewer feel uncomfortable and to keep them on the edge of their seat.

We really wanted this to be dark and grungy in the garage scene. To make sure that we didn’t get any natural light we black out the window on the door with a sheet of black fabric. This stopped the natural light from ruining the shot and creating weird shadows on the characters as the light outside changed as it got darker.

The lighting in the pub we wanted it to be soft and warm to really capture the atmosphere. In doing this we set up the scene underneath one of the lights on the wall. We changed the settings on the light from being bright white to a softer yellow. This really helped create a warm feeling.This also creates a safe atmosphere which shows Fraser's emotion because at this point he does not suspect anything is wrong.

For the shot where Fraser's pupils dilate we needed the lighting to be very bright to cause a dramatic reaction. We moved the light closer to him and shone a phone torch to do this so the lighting is more dramatic on this shot. This fits with the scene as it is when Fraser begins to notice that something has gone wrong. It also exposes him more which makes him seem more vulnerable, this furthers his weakness as he is drugged and not in control of himself. This also makes the audience more fond of him as they see that he's been wronged.

Fraser testing the lighting


  1. OK - it's useful that you have described some aspects of your lighting plans. Do you have any other image to add? This one doesn't actually show light on the subject, so it's very unclear what you are designing here in terms of lighting effects. You must also use terms - I introduced many terms to you in the lessons on lighting, and you practiced them. These terms are essential for precision. Illustrations are thin here on your blog. Much more lively and visually interesting and detailed blog work is needed for higher grades.

  2. Filming dates? Plans? Get any discussions about filming up here asap. Filming is overdue now, and you need to have it fully blogged too.
