Monday 1 February 2016


We are breaking Todorov's theory to create a dramatic effect as our film does not begin with a state of equilibrium. The story begins with our main protagonist (Fraser) being drugged but we thought we are only going to do a flashback of this in the plot so that the film is more fast paced and dramatic.
If we were to continue our film Fraser would wake up in an unfamiliar location beaten up. He still wouldn't know why it is that he was drugged and beaten. As he explores the location memories of what Sophie and Alex said while he was unconscious come back. Through this he begins to figure out that he has something that belonged to them. He walks aimlessly until he gets some idea of where he is and finds his way home. He finds his apartment ransacked. On the bed is an address and Alex's ski mask.
He begins searching his room as he knows he only has 7 days to return whatever they want from him. He grabs a bagful of belongings that he thought could be of use and gets ready to leave but before he does many masked people with guns run in. They kidnap him and put him in the back of a van. When he is taken out of the van he is escorted into an abandoned looking building. In here he meets a man that explains they are a top secret agency trying to track down Sophie's group. They explain that the group are wanted criminals so whatever they want from Fraser he shouldn't give it to them. They then ask him to work as a double agent. They teach him how to use a gun and then give him one as they say he might need it.
He goes to the address left on his bed next to Alex's ski mask. It's the same dark place he was taken to at the beginning of the film. They reveal that they are looking for a piece of paper holding top secret information and threaten to kill him if he doesn't have it in 7 days.
The secret agency trains him up so he's ready to kill if he needs to all the while they are all trying to figure out where the piece of paper could be.
After 7 days pass Joe and Reece take Fraser to the secret location. When he reveals that he doesn't know where the paper is Joe tries to shoot him. Fraser shoots him with the gun the agency brought him. Reece calls for security. This results in a big fight seen. Fraser manages to fight them all off. The only ones left alive are him and Sophie. He asks her what's so important about the paper and how he got it with a gun to her head. She explains that it's the secret of where the worlds deadliest weapon and that it was invented by his ancestors. He shoots her then walks out. He sees a crack in the watch he wore for the whole film. Inside is a small slip of paper with co ordinates on it. He rips the paper up knowing what it is and goes back to being an ordinary guy who was in the wrong family at the wrong time.

1 comment:

  1. Good detail here, and I can see that the story is really taking shape. Well done!
