Thursday 31 March 2016

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

For our film we used classic techniques of many thriller openings. People generally associate thriller films to guns, explosions, spies, fancy looking men in suits. Hanna for example is a great use of a non-typical thriller film. In the opening sequence we see the titles appear on the screen with the moving image behind, this also works as an establishing shot. We decided not to do this as we wanted the viewer to be surprised at the first moving image they see on screen. However, the sound overlays our production logo, this builds suspense and keeps the viewer on the edge of their seats.

We didn’t want to create just another thriller film, we decided to give it a twist. We did this with the use of characters. The main character Frasier. His character is always in the wrong place at the right time. We wanted viewers to emphasis with him and connect with his character. We decided not to use big guns, stalkers, drug dealers or any of the cliché instead we opted to create a psychological horror. The audience relates to the main character and that way the feel what he feels. This then create paranoia in the viewers mind. This type of thriller film

For our title we once again looked at Hanna. The film title is bold and very in your face. This is what we wanted for our film. The title to Hanna is “ HANNA “ written in bold text on a red background. The red makes the title really stand out, the red also is the colour of danger. This makes the viewer subconsciously think danger .The placement of the title took up most of the space on the screen making it very bold. For ours we wanted a classic film noir feel. For that type of effect we simply had our film in a large white font on a black back ground. We did this as black is a very mysterious colour.

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