Tuesday 8 December 2015


The 180 degree rule main function is to show communication between two characters interacting, normally having some sort of dialogue spoken between the two. This technique allows the viewer to see how the characters react to each other and show the importance of what they are saying.
To create and use this technique correctly is helps to imagine a line running from one character to another. This line between the characters shows the correct side to place the cameras on.You can only place the cameras one side of the line. This diagram shows the correct way to place the cameras.

We place the cameras on one side of the line so we keep the characters parallel to each other, the stay on one side of the screen, this allows the conversation to flow between characters as well as making it easier for the viewer to follow.

Placing cameras on both sides of this line can create a disorientation experience for the viewer. Breaking the 180 degree rule and placing cameras on both sides of the line can create confusion and makes it harder to follow who is speaking. A good example for breaking this rule is an example from The Shining.

The rule is broken and the character switch position as we cut from camera to camera, this is to create confusion and a sense of discomfort. Not using this technique, in this example, shows the mental trouble displayed by the main character and helps to provide evidence of a paranormal experience as well as create subtle sense of uneasiness. 

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