Friday 18 December 2015

Location : also some lighting.

Choosing the location of our film was a hard decision. We needed an area which had a door to create a dramatic entrance. Our first choice of location was the front of the college as it had two side’s doors and a rotating door in between the two.  We wanted to use the revolving door as would create a dramatic entrance. We decided not to use this location as their where always people leaving or coming into the building so it was difficult to film with so many people around.

The next location we agreed upon was the Colleges common room. It was a great location as we would film during lessons when not many people where in there. We needed to be careful where we set up filming and lighting equipment inside in case people did come into the common room. We also had to be careful of the amount of tables and chairs and be aware of the dangers in case we tripped over the equipment and harm ourselves. In the end we decided not to use this location as the lighting wasn’t the dramatic effect we wanted.

We set up the lighting in the common room and set up the filming equipment to make sure we got the correct lighting, in doing this we figured out we couldn't get the lighting we needed and changed location.

Third time lucky, we finally found a location in which we could achieve the lighting effect we wanted without people walking in front of the camera and ruining out footage.  The music recording room provided us with the correct space in which we could film.

We had to move the pianos and drums and varies other bits of music equipment around to position the tables and chairs ready for our footage to be shoot. In doing this we eliminated many health and safety risks. We moved wires and large pieces of equipment out of the way to ensure a safe place to work.We finally decided to use the music rooms as our space to record the footage we needed.

Example of the dramatic lighting we wanted for our footage in some of our shot reverse shots as well as the lighting we wanted to use for the 180 degree shots as well.

This is the lighting we created in moving locations. Compared to the story board we created it fits out imaginations perfectly. We managed to create the perfect lighting by only lighting one corner of the room and turning off all the lights in the room but the lighting equipment in the corner.

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