Tuesday 8 December 2015

Match on action is used when two characters are having a conversation with each other. This type of technique is usually started by a point of view or over the shoulder shot. This shot is followed by a reverse angle shot of the character looking at the other character.

In this example photo we can see a shot reverse shot being used. An over the shoulder shot of the female character allows the viewer to see the male character. We then see an over the shoulder shot from the male character to see the female character. This would be repeated as the character speak to one another. This allows the viewers to follow the conversation as well as see the characters facial expressions as they talk to engage the emotions they are feeling.

Shot reverse shots are commonly linked to the 180 degree rule as a shot reverse shot can distort and disorientate the viewer if not done correctly. Shot reverse shots have to follow the 180 degree rule as it cannot confuse the viewer perspective about the location of the characters in the scene.

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