Tuesday 8 December 2015


Match on action is a technique in which a character interacts
In this example there is a match on action as in one shot you see her reach for the book and in the next there is a close up of her interacting with it.
Match on action is a continuity technique which captures the viewers’ attention to a certain object or action taking place in the scene. Match on action is created by simple cuts between shots in a scene.

For example this video shows a girl in a library. We see the girl approach a book shelf and take out a book. We cut to a close up of the book in the girls hand as she is turning a page. This use of simple cuts between shots and a close up of the object in the girls hand shows that the book is the main focus of the scene. This shows the viewer that the book is important to the female character.

Match on action captures the viewers’ attention and helps shows the importance of an object or action in the scene. This technique also helps a scene flow continuously as it doesn’t have to display is importance during a different scene. Match on action is used in horror and thriller films as they can also build suspense and anticipation.

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