Friday 29 January 2016

Audience Research

We asked people in our target audience (all genders 17-25) whether they would watch our movie opening and whether they liked the concept or not. This is the results.

Many of the people we asked said they like the concept and idea of the film. The people we asked said they would go watch it in a cinema if it was a real film. The story line of the film was intriguing and the characters were all different unlike normal thriller films where the majority of the bad guys are faceless goons under a reckless leader. The audience feed back suggest they like the idea of knowing each antagonists and having multiple antagonists so their can be many different plot lines. However, a small percentage said that this could become too complicated to follow the line of each antagonist. We took this into consideration and made Sophie the main bad characters but kept the idea of having different smaller characters work for her.

The costume design of the characters too proved well. They said that the characters wearing different clothing showed their personality types and made them all the more dramatic. Alex, the character in the ski masked, proved to be threatening and the most intimidating.

Animatic walk through of our story board

Thursday 28 January 2016


Alex costume is all black. He is wearing a black ski mask to create an uneasy feeling for the viewer as they cant see all of his face. This makes people feel scared as the cant identify human feastures and this makes them vulnerable and scared.

Reece and Joe are both smartly dressed to show a more powerful element to them both. We decided to give these characters a dominant and over powering feeling to them. To make them act and look like their better then every one else. The suits also create a sense of mystery and conflict of what they are really doing.

Sophie is also smartly dressed. For this character I was influenced by, the TV'S Sherlocks, Irene Adler. Adler is a strong woman who is confident in every thing she does and doesnt stop until she has it. I wanted Sophie to act like Irene and be that strong powerfull woman who is in charge and is fearless and looks good doing it.

Fraser is dressed casually. He's unprepared. For his character I wanted a mix between Forest Gump and Rincewind from the Discworld novels. For Fraser I wanted him to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and get involved in all these huge problems and saves the day. It shows that he is just a normal character and makes him more relatable to the viewers. This makes him more likeable.


Freya contacted the social club to see if we had permission to shoot the main setting for our thriller opening. Bradley agreeded to let us film in the social club. This allows us to use the bar setting in our film. The risk assement is rather simple. We have to be care of chairs and tables in the way as we may bump into them, to ensure our safety we will move furnature around to create the safest working enviroment. We also have to be carefull of people using the social club, to do this we will create signs to say that we are filming as well as bring our college IDS to ensure the people using the social clubs we really are students. If things do go wrong frist aid is avialble on sight with first aids kits.

Our second location is Freya's garage. We have written permission from her parents. As this is a garage there will be tools around, to lessen the risk we will get Freya's parents to clear it out before we start filming, there will also be a first aider on sight at all times as Briony is a first aider.