Thursday 14 January 2016


Kingsman starts with a flash back to 1997 which we can easily see due to the subtitle at the bottom of the shot. We can also tell that this is the 1997 as the shoot begins with an extreme close up of the tape in the boom box rotating, which slowly pan outs to reveal the rest of the shot. Boom boxes were introduced in the late 1960’s early 1970’s. The boom box they are using is similar to the Auto Program Search System Sharp GF-5454 which was made in 1982. The music sound track is diegetic as it is playing on the cassette tape but as the scene progresses it becomes non diegetic. The sound track that is playing is Dire Straits - Money for nothing, this song was released mid 1980’s.

(Figure one). From the two characters in this shot we can tell their soldiers as well as their props. Both men are in possession of weapons as well as wearing body protectors. They are both wearing camouflage type clothing. The colour of their clothing is similar to the colour of their landscape and setting. In the background of the shoot we can see this particular scene is set in the desert. The body languages of these two characters are pretty relaxed which suggest that they do not expect anything dangerous to happen. This is an example of dramatic irony as the viewers can see a helicopter approaching from the back ground.

(Figure two). The shot continues as it racks the helicopter and slowly pans into the building. The sound track is still playing but is now non diegetic. Other foley sound effects are present in the scene. Gun shots, explosions and rubble falling can all be heard as this scene progresses as well as shouting an screaming from people inside the building.  As the camera pan closer to the building the music decrescendos and is replaces by a slow dramatic orchestral sound track. This shot act as an establishing shot. From this we learn that the secret service is breaking into a major operation and this creates the main plot from the film. This is the beginning of the equilibrium.

(Figure three). This extreme long shot allows the viewer to see what has happen. In this shot we see that a character had died trying to protect his fellow service crew and has sacrificed his life. We can tell this as they all have matching uniforms. Their uniforms are all black, with heavy body protective 
gear. This enforced the idea of them being in the secret service. This becomes an emotional scene with the dark lighting making is feel eerie and depressing with only streams of lighting coming in. The music crescendos and makes the atmosphere feel more dramatic and depressing.
Figure one

Figure two

Figure three

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