Thursday 28 January 2016

Script ( draft )

Sophie : Wake him up

        Joe pulls the bag off of Fraser head and he begins to wake up

Fraser : What … where am I ?
                                           ***FLASH BACK***
                            Back in the pub where the story begins.

Fraser gets drugged, we see that Sophie was the one to drug him and we introduce her as the main antagonist of the film.
No dialogue. Non diegetic music
                                           ***END FLASH BACK*** 

Sophie : Remember now ? We had to drug you, no really the way I would have done it but it needed to be done.

Fraser : Why, why am I here ?

Sophie : Because you know too much, we need to keep our … how do you put it ? Family ? Work ? Business ?

Reece : Enterprise Ma’am

Sophie : Yes enterprise

Fraser : What, just let me go. I don’t know anything you psycho

Sophie : Alex gag him, he’s interrupting me

           Alex duct tapes Fraser's mouth

Sophie : Anyway, long story short, normal serial killer shit. You know too much so were going to kill you. Alex, Joe you know what to do

Alex and Joe : Yes Ma’am

Fraser: muffled screams

Fade to black

Sophie: You have 7 days to give us back what's ours

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