Thursday 14 January 2016

Panic Room.

(Figure one). In the first shot we see that the movie is set in the centre of a busty city in the middle of autumn. We can tell this by the wilting tree in the foreground of the shot. The natural lighting and the warm saturated colours help to set the scene. We can tell it autumn by the characters costume. One of the woman is wearing an expensive fur coat, this also suggest this character is wealthy and very successful, whilst the woman next to her is wearing a long black coat. The people in the back ground also wear warmer clothing to show that the weather is cold. There is no back ground music only dialogue and back ground noises of the city behind them. The only sounds in this shot are diegetic. Honking of car horns, foot step and other noises are all synchroness to the scene. However, the car honking is off screen sound effect as we cant see the car honking in the shoot. A long shot is used to establish the setting as well as introduce one of the main characters. This long shot allows the viewer to see the characters and judge them on their first apperiance, from this we can see the woman in the black is the main character. This is from the way the two characters are speaking to each other.

(Figure two). The positioning of the subjects in the camera line show the viewer the, now main, setting of the film which is the house. In this shot we are introduced to a new character. Subconsciously we think he is smart and powerful, this technique is created by using a low angle to introduce the character. The viewer sees him as intelligent and strong as they have to look up to this character due to the low angel shot. His clothing also supports this as we link intelligence to being smartly dressed as well as the way he hold himself. His body language is very postured to show he has manners and suggests he is highly educated. A very subtle non diegetic orchestral sound track is playing in this shot, it slowly decrescendos as the characters begin their dialogue. A two shot is used to introduce this new character.

(Figure three). The lighting creates a silhouette on the door  which is unidentifiable. This creates an eerie feel and foreshadows events that could happen in the film. The lighting is minimal and creates a cold atmosphere about the place and makes the viewer feel uncomfortable and uneasy. This is enforced by the idea of insecurity triggered by the four separate locks on the front door.  The curtains also suggest that the previous owners has privacy and security issues. All the blinds and curtains are drawn so no one could see into the house. Simple cut transitions between shots show more of the house and enforce the idea of insecurity.
Figure one

Figure two

Figure three

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