Friday 15 January 2016

Batman The Dark Knight Rises

(Figure one). This is the establishing shot for this scene of the film. From this we can see that it is set in a large city. The lighting is bright so we see it is the day time. The shot pans slowly into the window of the glass building, this draws attention to the building and shows that it is important to this part of the story.  The non-diegetic orchestral sound track which accompanies this shot is a medium tempo which builds tension and keeps the viewer engaged.

(Figure two). In this shot we see two men in clown mask. Their costume conceal their identities, the masks show no facial expression and make the viewer feel uncomfortable and scared. This is to enforce the fact that these people are the antagonists of the film. Other aspects of their clothing also suggest this as they are both wearing dark colours which many people associate with evil. This is conflicted by the bright lighting of the daylight. A high angle shot is used to show the viewer what the people in the masks are doing, from this angle we can see that they are planning to zip wire to the building lower down. The music decrescendo as their fire the harpoon but crescendo as it quickly cuts to another shot.

(Figure three).From the fast pace editing from shot to shot the viewer begins to feel the energy of this scene. As the editing is fast pace it’s hard to take in all the detail and the viewers start to  feel involved in the film as if they are there in the film themselves. This medium long shot shows us the main antagonist of the film, the Joker. His body language suggest that he is trying to keep his identity hidden as he is hunched over. The mask suggest also suggest this as the camera pans into it and draws attention to the mask. This shows that the mask has importance.

(Figure four).The gun in the masked man hand suggests that what they’re doing is illegal and from the bags their carrying it is most likely a robbery. The lighting for this scene is odd as they are committing a crime in broad day light, this tells us a lot about the Joker characters. Most crimes take place at night when people are asleep and it harder to be seen but the Joker does it in broad day light, this shows that he is a strange character.

Figure one

Figure two
Figure three

Figure four


  1. This is sound work Briony, and you have shown that you understand some of the techniques used to create the thriller genre. However, all of these are short, and for higher marks you should add more detail, use of terms (highlighted in colour as we suggested), more specific explanations of how the mood develops in each, and how we understand who is the protagonist and who the antagonist. You need to try to break this text up - I realise the frustrations with blogger, but it is resolvable, so try at home if not possible at college.You don't discuss narrative at all really, or use terms for these aspects. Also, you need to explain what has inspired you in each - making the research count towards your journey to the planning.

  2. Look at several of the other blogs linked from mine, including last year's level 4 examples. You are very capable of level 4 work, so really try to do more work, in more depth.

  3. Briony - it looks like you still need to improve these in the ways I've suggested above? Don't leave them like this, otherwise you will be losing marks unnecessarily.
