Thursday 14 January 2016


The film begins with the off screendiegetic sound of a door being broken down. This immediately creates suspense as the audience wonder what the people trying to break down the door are trying to get to and why. Dialogue is then heard as the main protagonist does a voice over of the situation, this introduces the audience to the main character without giving much of the story away or having to cut to a shot of him. This makes it effective as the audience have to pay a lot more attention to what he's saying is there is not much happening on screen. The sound continues as there are many shots of the building the scene is set it. The first shot is of the metal door, the people trying to get in are making an obvious lump in it showing they are powerful.

There is then a match on action to a close up of the damage being done to the door, this puts the audience in suspense as they see that the people are close to breaking in.

The next shot is very calm, there is a pan through an empty room. the lighting is quite bright and there is no movement. This is an effective contrast to the constant sound of the door being broken down.  At this point there is also a diegeticoff screen sound of someone shouting to put the audience in supsense as it reminds them that whoever is shouting will soon break through the metal door.
This is reinforced by a quick cut back to the door. The constant diegetic banging puts the audience more and more on edge as each bang suggests that the danger is getting closer and closer.

The next shot is well lit, the centre of it is mostly brown so that the word "celestial" written in white would stand out more. This use of colour suggests to the audience that celestial will be important. It also builds enigma as the audience wonder what celestial is and why it is relevant.

A shot of computers is shown, this begins to hint at chaos because as the camera pans computers are seen with system errors. This keeps the audience intrigued because they wonder what happened to break all of the computers. Again the word "celestial" is shown. This makes the audience wonder why it keeps being shown.

The chaos then develops as a shot of dead bodies is shown, this builds enigma as the audience wonder who they are and how they died. This suggests genre as it shows the chaos and danger of a typical thriller film.

The non diegetic music kicks in when the camera begins tilting up to show the extreme height of the building it is set in. Showing the height of this building shows the audience how dangerous falling from it would be. The music is used to make this shot more dramatic to reinforce the height. This shot is long without any transitions to truly show the audience how tall the building is. It slows down near the top to show the main protagonist getting ready to jump.
His facial expression is quite relaxed which we wouldn't expect from someone who is about to jump off a building. It shows the audience that he may believe he will survive the fall. This makes the audience question why he would think he could live through it. His body language is open, again showing confidence. The non diegetic music decrescendos to pull the audiences focus to his voice over. He says "I will never let them touch me" This creates enigma and suggests to the audience that the people after him are dangerous.

A birds eye view shot of the city below reinforces how high the building is, this reminds the audience of the danger that the main protagonist is facing and keeps them on the edge of their seat.

A close up of his foot leaving the ledge keeps the audience interested and reinforces the danger. It also shows genre as the danger is a convention of thriller films.

An off screen gunshot sounds, this reinforces genre and danger without showing the audience who fired the gun so it doesn't ruin the enigma.

The main protagonists worried facial expression shows that the people after him are dangerous as he is confident when ready to jump off a building but not when they are close to him.

 The worms eye view shot makes him seem incredibly powerful as he is towering over the audience. His facial expression is relaxed once again meaning that the audience wonder why he is so powerful and why he thinks he can survive the fall.
 This birds eye view reinforces the height and builds suspence and the audience are once again reminded just how dangerous the protagonists position is. It also contrasts to the worms eye view as it shows that even if he does come across as powerful the height may be more powerful. This makes the audience fear that he won't survive.
In this shot enigma is created as the audience have no way of telling whether he wants to jump or not, his facial expression is hidden and the mid close up means that we can't see much of his body language. This keeps the audience in suspense as they wonder what's going to happen. The bright colours of the other high buildings stand out and remind the audience of the height as we see how he is in line with other extremely high buildings. The dark sky and colour of his suit reinforce this.

This is the end of the story but the beginning of the plot, as a result of this it does not fit Todorov's theory as it does not start in a state of equilibrium.

The age rating of this film is 15. This means that if I want to I can include more violent content as it is a bit younger than my target audience.

I like the voice over as it is a good way of introducing the character and a little bit of the story line without having to actually show it. I would like to include a voice over from the main protagonist in my film. I also like that it starts at the end of the story as we are targeting 17-25's of any gender and they would like that it goes straight into action. It also suggests the thriller genre straight away. I am going to include elements from the end of the film at the beginning to imitate this without giving too much of the story away.

1 comment:

  1. This is slightly longer than the 2 above -probably as you did it earlier? This means that you need to allow more time to complete work,and especially, you must expect to spend several hours a week outside lesson time. Go back to these now to improve them as I suggest above, and look at level 3 or 4 examples on my blog roll.
