Thursday 14 January 2016

Mad Max.

A black screen and voice overs introduce the viewer to the begging of this film and introduce one of the main characters. Max. Using a voice over without an image on the screen allows the viewer to get an insight to this alternative universe in which the film takes place. In this case new reports, people speaking, police radio and monologue of the main character set the scene for this film.

The first image we see is the main protagonist of the film. This extreme long shot which also acts as an establishing shot in which we get to see the apocalyptic waste land this film is set in.  Despite the harsh and barren land scape the colours of the scenery used are bright, rich and colourful. This may be to suggest the hope and passion in this character even in such harsh conditions. The only sound at the beginning of this shot is voice overs. These voice overs give the viewer the chance to see what Max is feeling. The voices of a young child and a woman asking to be saved give the viewer a synthetic feeling towards Max. The voice overs are replaced by off screen diegetic of other cars approaching from the distance which crescendo as the approach.

The extreme long shot paired with a tracking shot of the cars gives a dramatic feel the a car chase as we follow the action happening. On screen diegetic sounds of car engines are the main point of focus on noise. The wide angel view of this shot shows the content of the word they are living in and the type of life people are forced to have. From the way their cars are we can see that they are heavily dependent on machinery. We can see this by the modifications on the cars and bike. Also from the characters clothing. Many of the characters clothing are dirty, ripped and very dull in colour which suggest they don’t have wealth to buy nice clothes and are forced to live in a dangerous, every man for himself, type of world.

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