Monday 7 March 2016

Filming and editing.

Freya sorted out location, actors and timing as the locations where her own house and social club near her town and her frends happily agreed to be our actors for the day. Whilst filming I used a clapper board on an Ipad so it would be easier to log and name shots when it came to editing. I recorded what shot we did, how many times we had to shot each shot. This made it easier for us to edit them in order. We used Freya's filming equipment and borrowed a friends lighting. This allowed us to reshot shots and not have to worry about bringing the equipment back in time incase we missed a shot whilst editing. Luckily we have all the footage we needed in a single day. To record dialouge we used lapel microphones connected them to each of our phones. This allows us to get clear audio and not relying on the camera. During the prelim task we found it hard to use the voice recorders and opted to use the camera for footage and sound, in doing this we found it difficult to edit the sound louder or quitier. This lead us to the option to get lapel microphones for our phones.

Whilst editing we uploaded our footage onto the computer and proceeded to label the footage in Final Cut Pro. Labelling the footage made it easier to put the shots in order as well as knowing which shot the us as we had many bloopers. Cutting the shots down to make sure it was two minutes long we had a minute and a half of footage for our film. Adding the title sequence and lengthing some shots and adding black outs to create a flash back we should have a two minute long opening. We timed the length on the opening and are happy with the progress we are making. For the sound editing we have to send our self the audio files and upload them to the computer. This will allow us to sync the audio with the video image and create a crystal clear audio.

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