Friday 4 March 2016


The title of this film is simple the name of the main character, this builds a mystery of who this woman is and what her story is. Her name is an enigma, a puzzle that is unravelled in the film. In the opening  credit of the film there is a sudden cut to the title which is her name written in bold, capital, letters on a red back ground. The red suggest dangers as red is associated with danger and death. This is a give away clue that the film is a thriller. The first writing we see on screen is the production company, Focus Features presents, A Joe Wright film. The titles are white on a snowy back round. This is done so that the credits look hidden but can still be seen, their hiding just like the character is in the opening scene. The sounds that can be heard are all diegetic, no sound track is being played over the top. This is to create the feeling of the natural environment. We can hear the wind whipping up the snow, various animals in the distance, Hanna breathing and her foot crunching on the snow. 

1 comment:

  1. Some sound analysis here Briony. It would be improved with some screen grabs to illustrate the particular points you make. Can you find out why Joe Wright would be worth titling? Who is he, what has he done before?
