Friday 4 March 2016

Title Sequence: would you rather

 The opening credit is for IFC films. They are famous for films such as The Human Centipede. This means that they already have a reputation that will build excitement for the audience.
The writing is in white lettering on a black screen so that it stands out. The film begins with saying the film is associated with periscope entertainment. This is effective because there is not too many associates before the film begins so the audience won't get bored. The details are between the opening of the film so that there is something for the audience to watch while the information is still getting through to them. Having the titles spread out in this way means that the audience stay interested instead of getting bored throughout the  big blocks of information.
The main  title sequence is over an X Ray of the human body. This reinforces genre and builds enigma as the audience wonder where death comes into the story.

They credit
  • ICP Films
  • Rene Sekula: known for Captain America: The Winter Soldier
  • David Guy Levy: David is credited twice to draw more attention to his name as he played a big part in the making of the film.
  • Zak Kilberg
  • Andre Royo
  • Morgan Conrad
  • Ivy Isenberg

Overall I believe that this is a very effective title sequence because there is not too much information distracting the viewers from the story. In my film I want to have my information spread out in the same way so that the audience are not bored by it.

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