Thursday 31 March 2016

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have never been good with technology. I have always just known the basic of computers and that is what I have always needed. In making this production I’ve learnt and gain a lot more experience. I have learnt to record film. I also learnt how to set the white balance on a camera. Learning the difference white balance can make on your recording, how setting the white balance can change the colour of the lighting and how much that actually affects the quality of the final product. Whilst editing I learnt how to cut pieces of film down. I learnt how to use Final Cut Pro on the Mac’s. I also learnt how to add titles and over lay the titles on moving image or even putting them on a blank screen and adding it to the video. I learnt how to add certain effects, like how to reverse a shot. I also learnt different ways to record sounds. For our production we use lapel microphones which connect to our phones. Overall I learnt that editing and using the camera and voice recording is a lot harder than it sounds. I have gained respect for people who do this professionally. I had many difficulties uploading the footage and finding which tools to use whilst editing. Synching sounds to the image proved difficult in timing the sound effects at the right time. With a lot of patience and a helpful hand we manged to overcome these issues. 

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