Monday 21 March 2016

Question 1

Our film fits in with the typical thriller genre as it has many conventions of a thriller film such as:

  • Suspense: in the film we deliberately left out what it is that our main protagonist has which the antagonists want. This was to build suspense for the audience as they don't know the full story and they wonder what could be so important to make the antagonists willing to kill to get their hands on it. One example of this being used in an opening is in The Butterfly Effect when the protagonist says he has to "save her" without telling the audience who she is and why she is in danger. 
  • Investigation of enigma: as you can see from our synopsis our narrative follows the exploration of what object the protagonist has that the antagonist wants.
  • The hero is the only one able to solve the enigma: in the opening the antagonists make it clear that they want the protagonist to find what they want to save his life. This means that only he will be able to solve the enigma.This is again suggests in the opening of the butterfly effects as the main protagonist says that he has to "save her". 
  • Violence: the opening includes shots of a hammer suggesting that it will become violent. It also later on includes violence when the protagonist is hit on the head with it.
  • Diegetic sound of breathing: our protagonists breathing is often heard to show the audience that he is scared and hurt and therefore make them fear for him more.
  • Protagonist is in the mercy of the antagonist: our protagonist is tied up and gagged by the antagonists. They also have weapons but he is unprotected.
  • Story is designed to make the audience think it can happen to them: we made our protagonist very relatable. We also made it clear that he has no idea why he is in the situation he found himself in and that he didn't do anything bad to bring it on. This makes the audience scared. 

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