Friday 4 March 2016


Logo for production company

For our production name we wanted something short and memorable.We choose to use the  first letter of both of our names. F and B. This makes it short and easy to remember. We choose to keep the design simple and fancy to show we care about quality. Using this type of font makes us look professional compared to using a basic box type or comic sans. The FB are larger to draw attention to our production company as we want it to be recognized and easy noticed. The smaller production underneath the FB is to show that we are a production company.

This  draft design will be the template for the finished product for the logo. I plan on making the logo on Photoshop so that we can manipulate the design as we go in case we need to change it. Creating the logo on Photoshop will also allow us to easily place it into the title sequence of our opening for the thriller we have created.


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