Friday 4 March 2016

Title Sequence: The Roommate

The only credit before the film begins is to screen gems. These are the people that produced the film. Having only this logo at the start is effective because it means that all the audiences focus is on this particular company and they don't have to wait too long until the film starts so they don't get bored.

The film then begins with another credit to screen gems super imposed over the location where the film is set. The white, bold text is effective the colour stands out against the background and the boldness makes it more eye catching. This is effective as it draws the audience to the information. I like that they superimposed it over the background as it means that the audience stay interested as the film has begun. 
On the other hand there is a moving background meaning that the audiences attention would be more on that than the information that the creators are trying to give them.

They introduce some of the key aspects through the background shots in these titles. This gives the audience a basic awareness of the film without having to specifically point it out.

The titles give a lot of information about many aspects of the film

  • The production company: this would draw people in as they are a recognizable brand who have produced many successful thriller films such as Hostel and Resident Evil. This means that the audience would recognize them as the producers of other amazing thriller films and anticipate that the film is going to be as good as those.
  • The actors/actresses: Leighton Meester (former Gossip Girl star), Cam Gigandet (Easy A), Aly Michalka (Easy A), Daneel Harris (Fired Up), Frances Fisher (Titanic), Thomas Arana (Limitless), Nina Dobrev (The Perks of Being a Wallflower), Matt Lanter (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) are all named in the titles. This is because people would recognize them from their work and they would have already gained a fan base. Therefore when their name is associated with the film people would expect it to be as good as their previous work.
  • Casting: Lindsay Hayes Kroeger did the casting for The Matrix. This is a very successful film so having someone who worked on it would make audiences assume that this film is going to be very good.
  • Costume design: Maya Lieberman worked on Taken which is a very successful thriller film so fans of the genre would already be very familiar with Taken and therefore would be excited to see people who worked on that film working again.
  • Music: Micheal Friedman also worked on the X Factor which is highly successful. Therefore audiences would assume that since he worked on such a successful program he must be very good and therefore so must the film as he did the music supervision. The actual music was done by John Frizzel who worked on Alien. Again this reflects well on the film as Alien was highly successful.
  • Editing: Randy Bricker worked on other successful thriller films such as I Am Legend and Men In Black. This would draw audiences to the film as it suggests that he is very good at thriller editing so the film is going to be put together very well.
  • Production Design: Jon Gary Steele also worked on Burlesque. The success of this film means that audiences would recognize his name and associate him with well designed productions and therefore be drawn to the film.
  • Director of Photography: Phil Parmet is known for his work on The Devils Rejects. Because people would recognize him from this audiences would see his name on the titles and be excited for this film.
  • Producers: the executive producers on this film are Beau Marks and Sonny Mallhi who have previously worked on Die Hard and The Strangers. Die Hard is a thriller which was highly successful and has an amazing reputation. This means that fans of thriller would be excited to see if this film was produced as well as Die Hard. This film was also produced by Doug Davison and Roy Lee. They both have reputations as good producers from their work on The Grudge and The Ring meaning that audiences would be excited to see more from them.
  • Writing:This film was written by Sonny Mallhi so he would attract audiences through his writing in the same way that he does as a producer.
  • Director: The director Christian E. Christiansen has worked on other successful films such as Life Hits. This means that he already has a fan base that would be interested in watching a film he has worked on.

Overall I think that the moving background wasn't effective as it takes the audiences attention away from the text so I would like my film to have the title sequence over a black screen. I like the way that there wasn't many production acknowledgements before the film begins so I would like to keep the amount of them to a minimum in my film so I don't bore the audience. I think in this case superimposing over the background was festive because they were giving the audience a lot of information but for my film we won't have that many credits so we can just give the basic information over a blank screen as we don't have successful people working on our film to interest the audience.


  1. Freya - you have analysed an aspect of the titles, but you can do better than this! You need to comment on the style of the letters (font, size, method of introducing the words etc). Also, each analysis needs images to illustrate - don't forget good blog format!

  2. Also... comment on the way the genre is indicated by the title itself (words and connotations and images with title).
