Friday 4 March 2016

Title sequence: Limitless

Before the film begins it credits relativity media. This is effective because they have helped make successful films such s 21 and Over. This means that fans of their other work would want to watch Limitless to watch more. It also means that audiences would assume that this film would be good because they are successful and would also make this film successful. This is credited twice to further the influence it has.

It then credits Virgin Produced, this is effective because Virgin is already a really well known name in many areas as they have worked on all kinds of things. As a result of this audiences know that Virgin would probably make this successful also. They have also worked on 21 and Over and then are also credited with That Awkward Moment. This means that fans of these films would want to see more of their work. Audiences would assume that since this company have made other good films this film would be equally good and would therefore be excited about the film. This was also credited twice to further its influence.

Other Credits
  • Rogue Productions: They have worked on many adverts as well as this film so the audience would see them as a well rounded company and get excited for what they would do on this film.
  • Neil Burger: known from Divergent which is a highly successful film. This means that it has many fans that would want to know what else he can do. This means that him being in this film would generate excitement from audiences.
  • Bradley Cooper: known from the Hangover and The A Team. Bradley Cooper has appeared in many amazing films. This means that he is very well known and probably has a large fan base. This means that his appearance in this film would generate a lot of excitement and make many people want to see it.
  • Abbie Cornish: known from sucker punch. Abbie Cornish has also been in many successful films meaning that she would also have a large following that would be excited to watch her work.
  • Robert De Niro: known from classic thriller films. He is a legendary actor meaning that many people love his work and want to see more of it. Fans of the genre would already know him very well from his previous work meaning that they would be very excited to see he's in this film. He has also done a lot of work in other genres that are very popular such as Meet The Parents, this means that even people who aren't big thrillers would know his name and be excited to watch the film because of it. 
  • Intermedia film: known for their successful film terminator, this company is very recognizable and have a following that would be incredibly excited to see more from them. This means that many people would be excited to watch this film after seeing their name. 
  • Many Rivers/Boy of The Year
In this the title is on screen for 7 seconds. This is effective as it means that the audience has a very long time to take it in and remember it. The writing is super imposed over a moving background of the city that the film is set in. The writing is very light colored so that it will stand out against the dark background and catch the viewers attention. The movement of both the camera and the title make the sequence very disorienting to put the viewers in a state of confusion, through this the film seems fast paced and thrilling from the very beginning. The title sequence takes up a lot of time as it is 1:21 minutes long. The business of the background adds to the fast pace. The camera furthers this by moving quickly through the scene. The way that the camera moves seamlessly through the environment reinforces that the main character in the film is in fact "limitless" and builds excitement to the audience.
The opening titles include many names of people associated with the film. I find this very ineffective as it takes up a lot of time and therefore makes the audience lose interest.The non diegetic music begins very simply and crescendos to a very busy piece. This is effective as it builds excitement.
When the background moves from a busy city to a brain the audience are reminded that the character is limitless as the camera seems to move through the brain endlessly, the constant reminder of the title builds excitement as the audience wonder what a limitless human being is capable of.
The sequence ends with a blank white screen. I find this very effective as it makes the writing a lot more easy to focus on meaning that the audience is going to take more notice of it.
Overall I believe that although the fast movements and disorienting features in this opening work well I won't use it for my film as my film is not supposed to be as confusing and disorienting as Limitless is. I also won't make my sequence too long as viewers would find it boring when they just want to watch the film. On the other hand I think that the long duration of the title is good because it makes it more memorable, I also think it's effective that they had the title moving as it draws more focus so I will try to include some form of movement.

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