Monday 21 March 2016

Question 6

I learnt how to set the white balance so that the footage does not have an unwanted hue and is more professional looking. Although I have knowledge of how to do this I am not sure that I used it correctly in my actual film. If I was to do this project again I would double check that I have set t correctly.
I have also gained a lot of knowledge on lighting. In the film I am very happy with the use of lighting on the flashback scene as even though the lighting was naturally acceptable in our lessons we were taught the effects of using a soft light and as we liked them we wanted to set up a soft light in this scene. With this extra lighting the scene looks much more professional. In the garage scene I sometimes think the high key lighting is too bright as some of the characters are over exposed. Next time to fix this I would check the footage more frequently to make sure every character is well lit and not just the one that I checked first.
I also learnt how to use garage band to add foley sound effects. I think that I did this very well and that the effects we added make the scene much more dramatic. One of the examples I am most pleased with is when Alex picks up the hammer as the noise we added makes it more dramatic and brings more attention to the impending violence. This builds suspense.
We tried to use a lapel mic to record our sounds, however even though the mics worked perfectly during the tests we did we didn't like the effect that we got when recording as you couldn't pick out the characters voice over the background noise. Because of this we thought that turning up the volume on certain points in the dialogue the camera picked up would be more effective. We also added a continuous ambient sound so that the spikes in volume wouldn't be shocking and would fit better in the sequence.

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