Monday 21 March 2016

Question 7

I think that we have got much better at writing dialogue as the dialogue in our prelim was very basic and rushed. The dialogue in our film builds story much better as it creates enigma and introduces some key points to give the audience more understanding. I also think that using foleys dramatically improved the end product when in our prelim we didn't use any and relied only on the sound that the camera picked up. This meant that the end project was much more dramatic than our prelim as we used foleys to emphasise the importance of the hammer.
I think that our knowledge of lighting has improved since the prelim as we were able to light the two different scenes in a contrasting way when during the prelim we only knew how to do one lighting set up. However, we were more careful in the prelim when it came to setting up the lighting so we didn't have a character looking over exposed as we did in the final film. As a result of this I think the prelim had better high key lighting.
We were able to use a wider range of props in our final film meaning that it contributed more to the atmosphere of the film. This helped to make our final film better than our prelim. The duct tape, hammer and gag all made Fraser seem much more vulnerable and emphasized the danger he was in. This put the audience in suspense. Our prelim did not have a lot of suspense.

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